Divine Timing

I talk about time a LOT, because it’s one of the things that is really pronounced in my life.


For example, I used to always “run late”… like… STUPID late… like… ALCOHOLIC late (for my recovered friends… I know you know JUST what I mean!)


One of my amends to myself & others was to honor their time (& mine), so I did my best a long time, sometimes making myself sick with anxiety trying to ensure I was not a minute late, no matter what.


But that wasn’t really honoring myself- making myself sick over something.


I also got very into manipulating the illusion of time, & I do love to play with time in this manner! (But that’s probably for another post entirely…)


Anywhoooo! At some point more recently, I’ve learned to really trust the Divine Timing of things.


I don’t mean, “hey, I’m not being responsible and running late…” because being RESPONSIBLE is a HUGE PART of having a spiritual practice that is NOT BASED on spiritual bypassing.


But there are some days, like yesterday, where, due to circumstances beyond my control, I was 10 minutes late to an appointment.


I could feel the anxiety rising up, & then I would try & dissipate it by saying to myself:

. “okay, Freedom, is this anxiety helpful to you? By that I mean: is having this anxiety going to get you there in time?”




“So is this anxiety SERVING you in any way?”


“No… I just USED to think it would help me be quicker…”


“Can you do anything to be quicker?”




“Well, there is you answer. Let’s try to relax into all of that now… how do you feel?”


“Better. More grounded…”


…but closer to the time I needed to be there I felt the anxiety surge up again… & I said to myself:


“I talk an AWFUL LOT about Divine Timing… so I suppose to be living in my TRUTH, I should ACTUALLY BE TRUSTING THAT THIS IS ALL ON TIME AS IT IS…”




And so it is. It is ALL PRACTICE, is my point here, y’all. (And it’s all ON TIME ALWAYS!) I PRACTICE making responsible choices. I PRACTICE being on time. I PRACTICE releasing my anxiety. I PRACTICE putting my faith into actions..




Trusting myself, trusting God, trusting the timing of my life.



2 responses to “Divine Timing”

  1. Love still receiving your blog and this one in particular helped me today. So, thanks. Also, email me and lets exchange phone numbers. It’s been over 10 years since we saw each other. Keep writing and I’ll keep reading them.

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